

4 saunas and 1 steam room

Relax zone

Cooling pool

Infrared sauna is designated for those who may not enjoy high temperatures of the traditional sauna like the Finnish. The main benefit is that the infrared sauna makes you sweat at a much lower temperature than the traditional dry one and penetrate deeper into your body. In the infrared sauna the temperature is usually around 60 °C. Due to this fact, you can go through this sauna procedure just once and only for 30 min. There is no need to repeat the cycle. Finally, after this procedure toxins will be excreted out of the one´s body.
Finnish sauna
Finnish sauna is primary designated for people who enjoy significant high temperatures. This traditional sauna helps to strengthen the overall body´s defense system. After that, the immune system is able to prevent a body from various types of diseases. It is recommended to go through this sauna procedure three times within the short time intervals – maximum 15 min inside. In our Finnish sauna the temperature is around 80 – 100 °C.
Steam bath is generally used as an additional treatment by people, who suffer from asthma, respiratory diseases, rheumatisms, hoarseness, muscle disorders, and a bad blood circulation. To sum up, steam baths positively boost the whole organism of a person. In our steam rooms the temperature is set to 40-55 °C with high air humidity.
This type of sauna combines the effectiveness of aromatherapy together with the benefits of sauna. The sense of smell intensively affects human´s emotions. Thus, it strengthens the overall sauna experience. Moreover, the sense of smell is directly connected to the human brain, which makes this sauna procedure more effective and beneficial due to the combination of herbs and sauna. You are more than welcomed to come and experience for yourself the advantages of this sauna procedure.