The sauna ten
- We don’t go to the sauna hungry or with a full stomach. It is advisable to eat about two hours before entering the sauna.
- Before entering the sauna world/saunas, take a shower using soap.
- Replenish sufficient fluids before, during and after sauna sessions. Water and herbal teas are best, alcohol only in smaller amounts. Persons in a drunken state should not sauna.
- Dry yourself thoroughly before entering saunas and relaxation areas.
- It is ideal to sauna from lower temperatures to the highest ones. It is essential to shower and cool down after each sauna.
- In a sauna with wooden panelling, it is a good idea to cover yourself with a sheet so that sweat does not get on the wooden benches and panelling. In a steam room, rinse the seat and enter without sheets or towels.
- Take a rest after each sauna. Approximately 1.5-2 times the time spent in the sauna. Do not go into the sauna if you are sick or feel sickness coming on.
- It is important to cool down after the sauna. Cooling down the body is an important part of the sauna process.
- The ideal frequency of sauna use is once or twice a week, always warming up and cooling down three or four times.
- Visitors come to the sauna to relax, so do not talk in saunas and relaxation areas and be considerate of others.